Tooth-Colored Fillings
Q: What are tooth-colored fillings?
A: Tooth-colored fillings are made from durable plastics called composite resins. Similar in color and texture to natural teeth, the fillings are less noticeable, and much more attractive, than other types of fillings.
Q: What are the advantages of tooth-colored fillings?
A: Because composite resins are tooth-colored, they look more natural than other filling materials. Your child can smile, talk, and eat with confidence. In addition, tooth-colored fillings are compatible with dental sealants. A tooth can be filled and sealed at the same time to prevent further decay.
Q: What are disadvantages?
A: First, tooth-colored fillings are not for every tooth. They work best in small restorations and low-stress areas. For example, your pediatric dentist may not recommend a tooth-colored filling for a large cavity or for the chewing surface of a back tooth. Second, tooth-colored fillings may cost a bit more than silver fillings because they take longer to place.
Q: How do I decide if tooth-colored fillings are right for my child?
A: Talk to your pediatric dentist. Together you will decide what type of filling is best for your child.
Q: How do I care for a tooth-colored filling?
A: Take care of a tooth-colored filling the same way you take care of a silver filling: Brush, floss, and visit your dentist. Any filling will last longer with good oral hygiene. Your pediatric dentist will regularly check the fillings for color change, leakage, or unusual wear and inform you of the need for repair or replacement.